Block 19623483

Block Number:
MEV Block Reward:
0.03450 ETH
Proposed Finalized
2024-04-10 06:36:23 +0000 UTC (2024-04-10 06:36:23 +0000 UTC)
Block Root:
State Root:
RANDAO Reveal:
Eth Data:
Deposit Count:
Deposit Root:
Execution Payload:
Block Number:
0.03049 ETH
Gas Used:
Gas Limit:
Excess Blob Gas:
Base fee per gas:
14.89438 GWei
Burned tx fees:
0.24104 ETH
Burned blob fees:
0.00000 ETH
Burned fees(total):
0.24104 ETH
168 (1 Blob Transactions)
2024-04-10 06:36:23 +0000 UTC ()
Block Extra Data
Voting Validators:
Voluntary Exits:
0 attester & 0 proposer slashings
BLS Address Changes:
30423 validators voted 30423 times for this block:
Allocated Slot Committee Included in Block Validators

Showing 128 Attestations

Attestation 0
Committee Index:
Aggregation Bits:
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
11111111 11111111 11111111 1111111
344214 281522 702034 1282913 463040 137609 555893 647387 1297569 327347 376502 779458 362914 1127748 1086919 792797 1086655 200909 1261941 523103 1098762 1301271 1146799 133743 796193 813443 966457 752605 102535 1124512 932381 945124 596854 1265306 1293267 1069269 776667 680781 1181732 1156309 1228141 688827 966540 488734 1015792 1332035 719358 591444 969525 867875 993746 550447 1011173 310910 1285679 952162 881476 1084646 1296087 961981 925976 679026 1093163 726590 859033 170310 1198100 752114 1278659 1061812 684997 1095394 193473 822236 1323352 1248932 131013 1165580 230566 38704 155012 1321957 1020466 1326100 878090 1118698 932473 960589 1275821 559833 690618 1132419 777227 1114554 343135 1043266 86004 444288 799717 255539 1000632 1165933 487579 479879 969310 886026 1323119 29310 493103 897672 1049866 941888 965201 965445 774302 1049572 1050456 347041 511406 1017991 1054793 1227456 503375 653080 354180 833711 1161142 724934 1008331 893967 997048 269770 673529 653998 372016 545777 707012 1204895 645268 1000600 97893 348710 961113 624186 309605 47729 1005564 1304528 180797 14383 671765 1039207 456593 962474 359634 783559 286025 863362 1268030 520314 684901 1105848 1208628 930031 707829 255514 748743 118821 760743 1136975 164041 570979 1113376 1111747 348316 837144 759000 223818 1094988 490651 896408 1108697 423139 180820 262363 837321 770119 901605 10374 382853 881566 711267 821094 1203924 446155 1002219 1330361 485962 386761 1202295 886920 618806 71030 478281 788740 1266309 998102 184404 363558 882934 260922 1244316 1092900 310967 676721 915070 588599 1130482 830011 982161 1265264 904102 505596 833810 1302863 997178 1127142 812151 1331348 1123277 458097 424477 271039 283084 903812 983471 668266 28380 19184 187204 261148 160734 322527 1084185 1279765 453050 754712 1009944 1177745 276144 728567 870484 1118685 654172 1012797 1199668 469177 363784 402326 592240 685688 1135821 353324 917051 871369 1198640 379306 1179087 211496 792391 38712 1064617 1106605 989514 60655 1323973 1017173 274943 992799 651255 214312 962662 513955 1311932 337496 893258 447923 522310 865869 546535 155218 705509 106838 550423 667614 679056 507602 330835 928719 710824 1179079 11882 869008 1141685 568004 192270 530269 972119 459687 1071470 1330434 1059150 296823 799788 825246 1323005 621897 864581 467566 1023457 20087 763493 1221066 427328 1011626 902503 1112542 992176 835351 315913 470540 376733 1092359 1194968 1251963 313962 1242285 412199 1246574 421610 937348 8454 492383 1215460 236759 406282 786107 1065521 940373 1124297 605288 213197 1034113 1042083 1075117 233778 1178278 1046778 1060325 523039 472946 1139312 340433 922039 1071627 782033 1201620 1117062 1087223 817396 1055172 331328 820877 1278794 814885 1310287 671525 306189 1031963 1315699 817306 1095339 1155448 357581 382597 1312790 911056 900901 958097 774852 350582 892247 912328 20599 991988 979871 525854 1162340 865059 783763 772191 355257 1176674 988721 72687 498939 824478 561214 22977 449711 1240876 1320063 149973 434091 531497 1043843 1015963 1008386 1312876 958028 6819 370335 961416 1243167 1075192 1145648 272666 959334 794738 164180 1286970 1330018 1084291 679014 691597 1038735 438623 1086105 1104723 1001209 709639 795614 1048595 461872 541754 769200 1206915 461719 1036717 958514 839334 812474 159331 1034612 524123 511664 382428 230 517357 374606 1269455 636188 1226367 755631 481183 525615 1008191 468617 758477 318481 302268 549102 331992 700194 579170 182728 519663 1305062 1181297
Showing 168 Transactions
Tx Hash Method From To Value Tx Fee Gas Price
0xaa59e9…edb72c 0x75713a08 0xBbd08…60DDb 0x3328F…09C49 0 ETH 0.01922 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0x443839…496884 0xe592427a 0xadf17…79b27 0x55Afb…8EC14 0.00000 ETH 0.00057 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0x120571…5eba0a swap 0xe6709…1A0F7 0x11111…60582 0 ETH 0.00732 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0xb770eb…a0acc7 transfer Coinhako Tether: USDT Stab… 0 ETH 0.00214 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0x496bc5…c1116c swapExactTokensForETHSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens 0x3f445…B558a Uniswap V2: Router 2 0 ETH 0.00530 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0xcec4b8…431ed5 approve 0x63Da5…92791 The Open Network:… 0 ETH 0.00078 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0xf8837a…948e10 execute 0x63Da5…92791 0x3fC91…b7FAD 0 ETH 0.00403 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0x4befeb…a3765a 0x88a7765b 0xE3d3D…5cB9A 0xEF0B5…1Bcc9 0 ETH 0.00332 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0x98b5c5…9686ef execute 0xfec43…76743 0x3fC91…b7FAD 0 ETH 0.00394 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0x834772…3b3359 0x83800a8e madgainz.eth 0x11111…42A65 0 ETH 0.00250 ETH 0.00000 ETH
Showing 16 Withdrawals
Index Validator Index Recipient Address Amount
Showing 6 Blobs
Index KZG Commitment KZG Proof Blob Versioned Hash
0 0x9973…25ba 0x8f55…c2c8 0x01c9…c686
1 0xb490…5b90 0x8d00…67df 0x01f7…1733
2 0xaed6…0499 0xb729…0fac 0x0148…8e0c
3 0xa877…dc74 0x8266…291e 0x01d3…7e3a
4 0xa22f…0941 0xa9ba…8a2f 0x0156…0abc
5 0xa350…7e21 0xa060…93ae 0x015a…eec6