Transaction Details

Transaction Hash:
0xac eed15c31ba3c2501d3882a8408e3b8d14667b2825e8149ae0704b34510 5dc1
18370019 Finalized
2023-10-17 12:13:11 +0000 UTC
Interacted With:
0 ETH 0.00 ETH
Transaction Fee:
0.00987161 ETH 0.01 ETH
Effective Gas Price:
8.05459736 GWei
Execution Stats:
Used 1225588 out of 1275616 Gas (96%)
Gas Fees:
Base Block Fee: 6.55459736 GWei | Max Overall Fee: 10 GWei | Max Priority Fee: 1.5 GWei
Txn Type: 2 (EIP-1559)
Nonce: 109
Block Position: 7
Call Data:
ProposalCreated(uint256 id, address proposer, address[] targets, uint256[] values, string[] signatures, bytes[] calldatas, uint256 startBlock, uint256 endBlock, string description)
0 0x7d84a6263ae0d98d3329bd7b46bb4e8d6f98cd35a7adb45c274c8b7fd5ebd5e0
Data (Decoded):
calldatas bytes[]
0x[0000000000000000000000002424b699cf08601337f1a0e1dbf1e5caa5ac0f18000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000438558d400 0000000000000000000000002424b699cf08601337f1a0e1dbf1e5caa5ac0f180000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009e178dc600000000000000000000000000a0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb4800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000657e3a0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000666f7c8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004316f4c7cfa66f15ca8864565b274f52f1abd497 0000000000000000000000004316f4c7cfa66f15ca8864565b274f52f1abd4970000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009e178dc600]
description string
# Fund Season 3 of nounish ## TL;DR We've found product-market fit (PMF) with our show ["3 Artists, 1 Noun."]( The show is getting millions of views, and we have 20X-ed our followers. Our new audience is highly engaged and consists primarily of artists, designers and other creative types from around the world. Our goal in season 3 is to 10X our followers from 80K to 800K in 6 months with $969K in funding. ---- ## Who are we We are nounish, a team funded three times by Nouns DAO ([pilot](, [season 1](, & [season 2]( We started as a marketing studio for the DAO, producing dozens of videos about Nouns-funded projects, including the [11 minute explainer]( on [](, as well as videos about [Gnars](, [Free Glasses for Kids](, and most recently, [Mucho Love]( & [Esports]( We are a team of 10 who transformed our commercial production company, [Pixel](, to focus full-time on Nouns, and we are based in Melbourne, Australia. We are led by [Goldy]( & [142]( –two Nouners, and early community members. ---- ## Season 2: The Quest for PMF The content we produced up to the beginning of season 2 was highly useful for explaining Nouns to the world and resonated well with Nouns enthusiasts and their networks on Crypto Twitter, and has been cited by Nouners, builders, and fans as their gateway into the ecosystem. But in season 2, responding to [feedback from our last proposal](, we set out to find PMF and distribution beyond the existing Nouns community. We wanted our content to resonate with a clearly defined audience that was large enough to have a significant impact on Nouns. So we developed a framework to test hypotheses for different audiences and content, and in our recent [proposal update](, we go into details on the different tests we ran. --- ## Finding PMF Three months into our testing, we created a hit with our new reality TV-style concept, "3 Artists, 1 Noun." The show features a short and playful competition between three world-class artists to create a new piece of art inspired by the day’s noun within just five hours. ![]( The show quickly became popular on Instagram, with the top episode receiving over 1 million organic views. We have released eight episodes so far, which have received over 2 million views and brought us over 70,000 new followers. ![]( Other signs of PMF include a very high engagement rate: our top episode got 140,000 likes (a 14% like/view ratio), and every episode receives hundreds of comments, saves, and shares. ![]( --- ## Our Audience The audience that the show is attracting is consistently identifiable as what we call "The Creatives." Our followers are designers, artists, creative directors, filmmakers, animators, illustrators, and so on. We also have attracted some well known brands in the creative sector, including [Wacom]( and [Artlist]( We see this as a chance to build a community outside the crypto bubble that is a perfect fit for Nouns, a group of talented and inspired creative people. ![]( --- ## More Than Growth: A Relationship With Our Audience By turning the camera back on ourselves we are making ourselves a tangible representation of the Nounish values they can relate to – joyous, welcoming, playful, creative, and collaborative. ![]( As we share our inspiring culture (one completely in line with Nouns' own values) our audience will grow to love the show and the people on it. And in the long term, as the connection between us and our audience deepens, we give ourselves the best chance to galvanise them to engage with Nouns in a more meaningful way. ![]( --- ## Season 3: 10X again In season 3, our goal is to 10X our audience again from 80K to 800K followers in 6 months. **How will we achieve this?** * Double down on 3 Artists and keep on iterating to reach tens of millions of people * Develop new content that will resonate with our community * Experiment with new formats (e.g. length of show) to breakout on YouTube --- ## Longer term Over the next few years, we will reach tens of millions of people and build a massive followership via content that engages, entertains, inspires, and educates about Nouns. We think nounish can help build the distribution Nouns needs to reach mass market. We are fired up and excited to build this and to bring Nouns mainstream! --- ## Our Ask We are asking the same budget from the past two seasons: $969,000 USD For the same amount of time: 6 months. ## Transactions * 30% up front ($290K USDC) * 70% streaming over 6 months from December 17, 2023 to June 17, 2024 ($679K USDC)
endBlock uint256
id uint256
proposer address
signatures string[]
[sendOrRegisterDebt(address,uint256) createStream(address,uint256,address,uint256,uint256,uint8,address) sendOrRegisterDebt(address,uint256)]
startBlock uint256
targets address[]
[0xd97Bcd9f47cEe35c0a9ec1dc40C1269afc9E8E1D 0x0fd206FC7A7dBcD5661157eDCb1FFDD0D02A61ff 0xd97Bcd9f47cEe35c0a9ec1dc40C1269afc9E8E1D]
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Data (Hex):