Transaction Details

Transaction Hash:
0xac 5f56ec8bd8c2e6aebeb6850302da3841d7f722f270815257087ad43ae5 7286
19773176 Finalized
2024-05-01 05:25:11 +0000 UTC
Interacted With:
0 ETH 0.00 ETH
Transaction Fee:
0.00024665 ETH 0.00 ETH
Effective Gas Price:
4.26132177 GWei
Execution Stats:
Used 57882 out of 88042 Gas (66%)
Gas Fees:
Base Block Fee: 4.23256204 GWei | Max Overall Fee: 6.47633222 GWei | Max Priority Fee: 0.02875972 GWei
Txn Type: 2 (EIP-1559)
Nonce: 923
Block Position: 307
Call Data:
Story(uint256 indexed tokenId, address indexed collectorAddress, string collectorName, string story)
0 0x40ebea9c3c7603a5d233a0bec01e483338737b6bed01bed2ac09ccbaa3d4b7ac
1 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
2 0x000000000000000000000000e32f50563f7742fb3440b8f000a904b5105de00a
Data (Decoded):
collectorAddress address
collectorName string
story string
I always loved the arcade as growing up we didn't have a lot financially. I had to save every cent just to have enough to play a few games. I went to boarding school, and we were allowed to go to the city one day per week and the arcade was always the first place we went. The sound of the machines, that atmosphere, it always felt like home. I loved Shinobi, Double Dragon which was old even then but so fun to play and Ninja Turtles. The excitement yet anxiousness waiting for my turn as I felt the pressure having to perform with my limited money! Great times. :)
tokenId uint256
Data (Hex):